Athlete Info, Paavo Nurmi Games 18.6.2024.

The Organising Committee extends a warm welcome to Paavo Nurmi Games!

Contact Information

Athletes’ LiaisonArttu Salonen+358 50 5905519
Info & AccreditationMiina Salmi+358 400275447
TransportationJoonatan Kiviö+358 45 8919091
Chief Medical OfficerOlli Heinonen+358 40 5865157
Competition Office & TICHille Hämäläinen+358 40 5355357

Accreditation & Info Desk

The accreditation and info desk is located at conference room “Ellin kabinetti” on the first floor next to the hotel reception. Opening hours

Sunday 16.6. 09.00 – 23.00

Monday 17.6. 08.00 – 23.00

Tuesday 18.6. 08.00 – 23.00

Wednesday 19.6. 08.00-16.00


We offer transportation services from Helsinki and Turku airports and harbours. Please send you travel details to the Athletes’ Liaison Arttu Salonen to have transportation organized to the hotel and airport.

The transportation desk can be found at the info and accreditation desk.


The stadium is approximately a 10-minute drive from the hotel.

Please check the transportation and training times at the info desk.

Competition hotel services

The official competition hotel is Original Sokos Hotel Kupittaa (Joukahaisenkatu 6, 20520, Turku). The hotel is located 1km from the stadium and 1,5km from the City Centre of Turku.


The athletes staying at the competition hotel will be served breakfast, lunch and dinner at the official competition hotel. The meals are served at Bistro Elli at the hotel lobby. A meal voucher is required for every meal. Meal vouchers used for lunch and dinner are included in your welcome kit.

Sunday 16.6.

Breakfast from 07.00 – 11.00

Dinner from 19.00 – 22.00

Monday 17.6.

Breakfast from 06.30 – 11.00

Lunch from 12.00 – 16.00

Dinner from 19.00 – 23.00

Tuesday 18.6.

Breakfast from 06.30 – 11.00

Lunch 12.00 – 16.00

Dinner from 19.00 – 23.00

Wednesday 19.6.

Breakfast from 05.00 – 10.30


Massage is available from Sunday 16.6. until Tuesday 18.6.

Sunday 16.6.

19.00 – 22.00

Monday 17.6.

10.00 – 16.00

19.00 – 22.00

Tuesday 18.6.

10.00 – 16.00

19.00 – 22.00

Massage services are located on the top floor of the hotel. Please book your appointment at the info desk. For additional information on massage services, please check the info desk.  


Competition Office

The Competition Office can be found next to the info and accreditation desk in the lobby of the competition hotel.

All athletes staying at the competition hotel will get their necessary competition and accreditation material at the hotel.

Bib Numbers

Athletes get two identifiers with their accreditation material. The use of one identifier is allowed in Triple Jump, High Jump and Pole Vault. Bib numbers should not be folded.

Personal Implements and Other Equipment

Personal implements must be submitted to Implements Control which is located under the grandstand (entrance through the marathon gate) at least 2 hours before the start of the competition. Javelins need to be submitted to Implements control 3 hours before the start of the competition. The organizer will not accept personal implements after these deadlines. Please note that personal implements will be given back to the athletes at Implements Control office after the competition.

A pole rack to which the poles need to be brought before the competition can be found next to the marathon gate. The organizer will transport the poles to infield. The poles will also be inspected at infield.

Personal implements can be brought to the info desk on Tuesday morning and our staff will transport them to the stadium.

Warm-up Areas

The athletes will be transported directly to the warm-up area, which is located behind the back straight of the stadium. Athletes competing in Discus Throw, Hammer Throw and Javelin Throw will be guided to a separate warm-up field.

Warm-up areas for Discus Throw, Hammer Throw and Javelin Throw are open until 1 hour before the beginning of the call room assembly of the event.

Call Room

The call room is located behind the back straight of the stadium at the warm up field. This will be the final call and control of bibs and advertising on equipment and apparel.

The assembly will happen in accordance to a separate call room schedule included in these instructions. The call room schedule can also be found at the info desk in the hotel lobby.

Athletes will be guided to the infield 15 minutes after the gathering time.


Please respect these times! It is essential for keeping to the timetable.

All prohibited items (or sponsor logos) will be taken away (for example cellphones) from the athletes at the call room. Athletes can pick up their belongings after the conclusion of their event from the Call Room.

Advertising on Clothing or Equipment

WA advertising rules will be enforced.

Access Control and Staying at the Stadium (Infield)

Please have your accreditation card with you at all times. The accreditation card is included in materials given out to the athletes, coaches and representatives when checking in at the hotel.

Staying in the infield is only allowed during one’s respective event. Please let us know immediately if you lose your accreditation card.

Seating for Coaches

Personal coaches of athletes competing in long jump, triple jump and pole vault have reserved seats at the grandstand. These seats should be vacated after the conclusion of the event.
For Hammer Throw, Javelin Throw and High Jump, coaches have reserved seats in the curve stands.

Infield Access

Athletes will be taken from the call room to infield. Exiting the infield will also happen under the supervision of our staff through mixed zone from where the athletes will be transported back to the warm up area. Athletes competing in track events can retrieve their belongings from the mixed zone.


Athletes competing in track events will be introduced at the starting line. Athletes competing in infield events will be introduced before the start of their respective event.


All athletes must leave the infield through the mixed zone which is situated at the marathon gate.


Results can be found on the following websites:,

First Aid

Medical staff will be present at the infield and there’s also a separate space for medical services under the grandstand.

Doping Control

The Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports (FINCIS) will be conducting doping tests during the competition. All doping tests will take place in changing room number 7 under the grandstand. Athletes are required to have a passport or a valid ID with them.

Withdrawal from the final

If an athlete who has made it to the final in 100m, 100m hurdles or 110m hurdles withdraws from the final, the athlete or their representative must immediately notify the competition office (TIC). After receiving the notification, the competition organizer will invite the next best athlete from the heats to the final. A replacement will not be invited if the information about the withdrawal is received later than 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the final.


Protests should be made no more than 30 minutes after the conclusion of the event the protest is related to. The protest should be given in writing to the TIC located under the grandstand, access through the marathon gate.

Technical Meeting

Monday 17.6. at 21.30 at Kuppis Rooftop Bar on the 9th floor of the hotel.


No cash payments will be made at the hotel. Travel reimbursements will be paid by bank transfer according to WA regulations and once necessary paperwork has been provided. We will need the following details:

  • A passport copy
  • A copy of travelling documents
  • A receipt for the travelling documents
  • The athletes home address (street, city, postal code, country)

Finnish tax authorities require us to have a passport copy and receipts for the travelling reimbursement to make the payments. Promotional fees, prize money payments and travel reimbursements will not be paid out before the abovementioned conditions are fulfilled.

Payments of promotional fees and prize money will be made by bank transfer once confirmation of all doping tests has been received from the Athletics Integrity Unit. The final tax of income from activity of an athlete in Finland is 15%. To finalize the payments, we will need a detailed invoice or at least the appropriate bank account info.


Paavo Nurmi Games has been an EcoCompass-certified sports event since 2017. We are strongly committed to sustainable values and keen on finding environmentally friendly solutions when organizing the event. We are committed to being carbon neutral by 2029.

Paavo Nurmi Games wants to encourage its stakeholders, audience members and athletes to work together for a greener future.

Please help us reduce the consumption of plastic and enjoy the fresh Finnish tap water during your stay in Finland. Finnish tap water is of the highest quality in the world and it’s delivered to you from the groundwaters of the near eskers.